After my successful exploration of the Douglas Darkie in October, the infamous Victoria rains arrived; rendering additional underground adventuring unsafe. I was forced to content myself with with reviewing archival images, online anecdotes and GIS mapping services for some time while awaiting better weather. The hiatus allowed me to conduct research and and formulate a list of new sites to explore, and first on the list was a return to familiar ground. Bowker Creek and it’s many tributaries As discussed in my original Bowker post; the creek is an urban stream that spends most of it’s life underground, flowing through Continue Reading
Exploring the Douglas Darkie
Hello readers! After my first draining post about exploring the Bowker Creek Tunnels I assumed I wouldn’t be writing about another draining adventure until the summer dry season; after all the region get’s a fair amount of rain during the Fall and Winter and the rule “never drain when it rains” was instilled in me from day one. Since that first post though, a couple of things happened; 1) I met another local storm drain explorer who gave me some great advice about the local systems, and 2) We experienced the driest October in 40 years – the stage was Continue Reading
Exploring the Bowker Creek Storm Tunnels
As you proceed through the near complete darkness, boots slish-sloshing through ankle deep water, your feeble light catches a familiar, yet unexpected object. You turn your head and squint at the yellow figure and as you approach you find your self muttering in surprise: “is that… Pikachu?” Welcome to the Bowker Creek Tunnels. What are the Bowker Creek Tunnels? Bower Creek is an urban stream in the Victoria-BC area which originates in the wetlands near the University of Victoria and snakes it’s way through several municipalities before eventually outflowing to the ocean. While the creek was once a vibrant aquatic Continue Reading
Hello world!
Hi! I’m Christopher Munz-Michielin and this is my blog. I am (at the time of this writing) a 28-year old technology enthusiast, Ham radio nerd, budding Urban Explorer, and lifelong resident of Victoria, BC, Canada. I’ve created this blog to share and chronicle some of adventures and experiences. It’s 2019… Why Start a Blog? In the modern world of social media, 140 character messages and ever shrinking attention spans; writing a blog, complete with punctuation and proofreading, would appear to be a foolish idea, if not a complete waste of time. After all, who wants to read one blog entry Continue Reading